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Every season of life provides it’s own

set of  lessons ... some passed along

from childhood, some gleaned

from casual observation, and others

from chance encounters with strangers.”


Some years ago, as I approached my “threescore and ten” (70th) birthday, I began to reflect on the life I had lived.

became keenly aware of the many lessons I had learned along the way. Some of those lessons were the result of

painful situations, hurtful experiences or agonizing circumstances. Countless others were birthed from encounters

with godly people and the positive outcomes of unexpected occurrences. However, the most profound lessons could

be traced to the joy and peace that came from answered prayers. No doubt....

  • Our learned life lessons can create clarity!

  • Our learned life lessons can be therapeutic!

  • Our learned life lessons can result in healing!

  • Our learned life lessons can provide protection!

That time of reflection and contemplation inspired the creation of my 70 pc card set:
“Threescore and Ten: A Heartfelt Collection Of Learned Life Lessons”.
I encourage you to set aside some quiet time to journey through this Collection. 


This 70pc card collection is designed

to inspire, motivate and encourage.

I am overjoyed with the positive

comments from those who have

purchased my Collection.

I am thrilled (beyond measure) to receive such glowing responses from those who have been the gift recipients of this Collection. What a blessing to know my words are continually blessing others!


Marjorie Dudley Morrow, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, loves God, loves the

study of His Word and loves life! This entrepreneur of 30+ years has held local elected office,

served on several non-profit boards, taught Sunday School and Bible study. Marjorie has

provided leadership for various community and business organizations. She has developed countless church projects and activities. Additionally, she has been responsible for the

creation and coordination of a diverse, wide range of innovative community outreach activities.

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